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Disposable heuristic tracheal intubation(Bougie)

Introduction of

Disposable heuristic tracheal intubation

Difficult airway poses a constant challenge to anesthesiologists. Repeated intubation attempts during a difficult airway encounter tissue edema and hemorrhage which further exacerbate the situation. Various factors, including poor anatomy, positioning, neck injury, causes inadequate exposure of vocal cords, which, in turn, is responsible for a difficult airway. Difficult airway accounts for 30% of all anesthesia-related deaths.


Difficult airway occurs in approximately 1% of the general population. It is more frequent in obstetric patients, and particularly common in trauma, facial and airway patients.


A Difficult Airway Algorithm has been developed by the American Society of Anethesiologists (ASA) and is widely used worldwide as a guide to the management of the difficult airway. An intubation stylette frequently known as the gum-elastic bougie is one of the most important tools listed in the algorithm. An intubation stylette can assist in securing the airway with an inadequate exposure, reducing intubation attempts, and avoiding airway inqury.


Our stylette is based on the ASA difficult airway algorithm and aims to facilitate endotracheal intubation. It is light-weight, flexible, yet within balanced rigidity. It is preformed to best accommodate most airway situations, yet is can be manipulated to meet the specific anatomy of the patient. The curved tip allows the feel of the tracheal rings once it is inside the trachea. As an essential tool in the management of the difficult airway, it is smooth, portable, and easy to use.


It has become the standard equipment for anesthesia in the Unite States, but has not become widely accessible by Chinese anesthesiologists. With the vast population of China and high case volume, our intubation stylette will has a huge market potential.




  1. Combes, et al. Unanticipated difficult airway in anesthetized patients. Prospective validation of a management algorithm. Anesthesiology 2004;100:1146-50
  2. Tao et al. J Anesth. Incidence of unanticipated difficult airway in obstetric patients in a teaching institution. J Anesth 2012, Jan 31. [Epub ahead of print]